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Breaking Up With Your Realtor

  Breakups are never fun, but sometimes firing your Realtor is a necessary evil. Since your real estate agent will be super involved in your real estate transaction, it’s important to work with someone qualified for the job. It...

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Want To Buy a House?

Buying a home is a huge decision & it will most likely be one of the biggest purchases of your life. As a home buyer, working with a real estate agent is extremely beneficial. An experienced, qualified real estate agent will be able ...

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Building equity is one of the biggest benefits of homeownership. Home equity is the difference between how much you owe on your mortgage & how much your home is worth. As you pay down your mortgage each month & as the value of your ho...

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Home Inspection: What Buyers Need to Know

When having your future home inspected, you may want to consider having a variety of inspections depending on the specifics of the house. Here are the types of inspections I often recommend: Termite Roof Pool Attic Sewer Scop...

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