When it comes to making the decision of selling your current home & buying another, timing the market perfectly is nearly impossible. When home prices are low, the house you sell will be also low. When interest rates are high, your current interest rate will probably be better. There’s always a reason NOT to do something. Take advantage of the market NOW by either selling your home to take advantage of the huge amount of equity you’ve accumulated Or rent your home & take advantage of the current low payment & a higher rental amount. Either way, make the right decision that fits you and your family’s needs.
Need help talking through your options? Reach out to me today. I’m here for you!
Dawn Forkenbrock, Arizona Realtor
Real Broker 🌵
🌐 theforkenbrockgroup.com
📱 Call/text: 480.220.0215
📨 dawn@dawnsellsazhomes.com
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